How to Connect Smartwatch to Android Phone and iPhone?

How to Connect Smartwatch to Android Phone and iPhone mobile phones is easy enough. The initial pairing of your smartwatch and fitness tracker must be done using the mobile app. Once you have installed the mobile app, follow the steps below.

How to Connect Smartwatch to Android Phone

To connect your Android smartwatch to your Android phone, install the Wear OS by Google Smartwatch App available on the Google Play Store on your phone.’

  • Turn on Bluetooth on your watch.
  • Go to your Wear OS app and follow the initial setup. Tap I Agree.
  • You must see a turn-on Bluetooth and location popup. Tap Turn On.
  • Tap the watch name. You will receive a code on Both devices. Press the Pair button on both devices.
  • You should now see a successful connection message. Now you can log in to your Google Account.
  • Continue using your smartwatch by clicking Allow notifications, Sync calendar, Allow messages, etc.

Once the pairing and syncing processes are complete, you can check notifications, get directions, take notes, and more.

The best thing about Android watches is that they have a built-in Google Assistant, which makes life simpler. Depending on your device, you may be able to perform actions using only your voice.

You can also use your smartwatch to track your health and fitness goals, listen to your favorite music, or find new music on Google Play Music. You can also store gift cards, points, tickets, or coupons you pay with Google Pay when shopping or receiving.

How to Connect Smartwatch to iPhone

With the introduction of Wear OS, Google improved pairing support for Android watches and iPhones. To pair devices with iPhone, you need an iPhone 5 or later model running iOS 9.

  • Download the same app, Wear OS, by Google, on your iPhone.
  • Turn on Bluetooth on your smartwatch.
  • Now you should go to Settings on your iPhone and then tap Bluetooth. Wait for the clock to appear on your iPhone.
  • Tap the watch model you want to pair with and accept the Bluetooth pairing request.
  • Once it is paired, sign in to your Google Account.
  • Enable notifications, location, messages, calendar access, and more.

Walkthrough: Can You Use Fitbit Without a Smartphone or Computer?

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )

1. Can I pair my Android watch with my iPhone?

Some Android smartwatches (and all future watches) will work with iPhones. But there is an important caveat. When paired with an iPhone, an Android watch cannot perform as many functions as an Apple Watch. Also, when paired with an Android phone, it can’t do as many things as possible.

2. Why won’t my smartwatch connect to my phone?

Reboot your watch and smartphone to start it up and see if that makes a difference. On your look, go to Settings > Restart. Ensure you are running the latest version of the Wear OS app for Android or iOS. Reset your watch to factory settings and try pairing from scratch.

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After these steps, you will understand how to connect your smartwatch to your Android and iPhone smartphones in a better way.

Pairing your smartwatch with your phone provides notifications and messages, answers calls on time, and more. Still, it also allows you to efficiently perform daily activities without taking your phone out of your pocket.

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